Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dusty SketchBook Assignment!

This is my First My Sketchbook for this semester. My Assignment is called Dusty. When I First though of dusty, My first thought was the dust bunny from "The Big Comfy Couch", who live under lonette and Mollys Gigantic Green Couch. When finally decided to use this idea, I started to  brain stormed ideas for this. For this assignment, I had thought of several ideas such as: molly looking under the couch, and spotted the Dust bunny,  The bunnys fleeing the couch with there bags while Lonette is sweping the floors with molly staring in sadness, and finally the bunnys dragging molly under the couch, while lonette is searching for her. Of all the ideas, I came up with, I  had chosen, the dust bunnys attempt of kidnapping molly, while lonette is searchingfor her.  

As you can see above I sketched the idea of molly being dragged, In a rough form. after drawing this, I decided that it would be best that I scan it, and colour it using gimp, rather than colouring it with pencil crayon. Not only does it make my artwork look great and messy free, but i could easyly show my process of inking and colouring it.           

The picture above is the inked verson of the sketch book. As you can see I started to paint lunnete, the clown.

This is the work in progress of lunnete, as you can see I wasnt finished colouring her.
This is one of the dust bunny in the drawing. He was the most fun to draw and ink, because, he was easy to draw/ink , he  was funny and was  fun to look at. The biggest challenge, from drawing-inking-painting the bunny is the colouring of the fur. It was difficult to paint because I was so careful, because I didnt want to paint the black outline mark. 

This is a semi finished version of molly, as you can see she isnt shaded and would be shown shaded soon. The biggest challenged of drawing Molly is drawing the pose and mood of molly, because molly is supossed to be a doll, I have to draw her with not many mood and feelings as possible, while showing her sadness and fear of the dust bunny.  

This is the other dust bunny in my sketchbook assignment. this bunny purpose in this picture, was to surprise and attack lunette.
He was very fun to draw, because I added a gun to him, and i made him look evil, yet cute.

This is all the characters, all painted, and done (Except Lunette)

After when all the characters are now painted, I painted and edited the background. for the floor and the big couch, I used a special texture for it. First I selected the paint can icon, and selected a texture, such as floor board, and a groovy 3d texture. after that i added mini shadesfor the characters shadow.

After I  added the shadows, I dicided to added shadows on the couch, ground, and for lunette. After that, I found out that the shadow for the ground is the same shade as the shadows for the characters, which makes the shadows for the characters, not visible.

I solved the problem, by darken the shadows. After that I added a even darker shadows for the underneath of the couch. If you pay a even more attentain to the picture, you could see that the underneath of mollys dress is not ripped, It is actually a bunnys hand.

Over all, I think my artwork is very good, because not only did I spend 2 hours on this, but this is my first time, heavly using gimp, for my artwork or for anything else, not only did I enhanced my artwork using gimp, but I emproved my skills, on it and found out lots of useful tools, and helpful techniques, I would use for my future project. I think this assignment, overall of my other sketch book assignment, is my most ambitous, and most creativity, than my other assignment. Overall I enjoy taking my time (Which is Hours) on gimp, enchancing my artwork, and improving my skills, in the same time. I enjoy Working on gimp, and would look forward to using it for most of my future assignment. 

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